III. God's Redemption: Sin and The Cross 

Recognizing Jesus as Lord)

The DTS acknowledges Jesus Christ is God and he is the only way for one to be saved. 

  • recognizes the reality of Satan and his strategies. 
  • proclaims the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as God's successful act to disarm and destroy Satan.
  • affirms the Lordship of Jesus and upholds the need to obey him.
  • cultivates "the fear of the Lord" and a hatred of sin.

Concepts to Understand and Apply

  1. Satan is a created being, who in pride, rebelled against God.
  2. Satan is evil. He is a deceiver, accuser, thief, tempter, and a liar. As the enemy of God, he fights against God and his purposes. 
  3. People and creation were fundamentally affected by the sin of Adam and Eve. They opened the door for Satan to usurp their God-given rule of creation. 
  4. Disobeying God's commandments is sin.
  5. Every person has sinned and is deserving of God's judgment. 
  6. Some of the general effects of sin include suffering, disease and death.
  7. All nations, societies and cultures, to one degree or another, are built on non- Biblical foundations.
  8. Out of his love for mankind, God sent his only Son, Jesus. 
  9. Jesus, while remaining fully God, laid aside his privileges as God to become fully man and lived his life in unbroken communion with God.
  10. Jesus was instructed and filled by God's Spirit to do God's work, fulfill God's purposes and to demonstrate God's character in every situation. 
  11. Jesus, though tempted in every way, never sinned. 
  12. Jesus died on the cross, and suffered God's judgment for the sins of the world.
  13. Jesus bodily rose from the dead and continued to appear to his disciples for 40 days. 
  14. After 40 days, Jesus ascended to his rightful place in heaven where he remains today. 
  15. Through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus broke the power of sin, defeated Satan and inaugurated the beginning of God's kingdom rule. 

Attitudes To Nurture

In relationship to the reality of Satan, sin and God as revealed in the Cross: 

  • courageous
  • warrior
  • worship
  • hatred of evil and sin
  • desire to align with God
  • humility
  • thankfulness
  • discernment
  • cooperation with God
  • resistance to Satan
  • confidence God is with me
  • victorious over temptation
  • reverence/awe
  • willingness to sacrifice
  • faith
  • love
  • hope
  • enduring
  • longsuffering
  • expectancy
  • unworthiness
  • being alert
  • world changer

Activities To Do 

(These should be happening throughout the DTS. Some are structured into the schedule, some are simply expressed in informal interactions. The goal is for every person to take responsibility for engaging in these ways.)

  1. Identify and resist the activity of Satan at work around you.
  2. Seek to see sin as God sees it. 
  3. Thank God for Jesus.
  4. Worship God in response to all the cross reveals about his character and purposes.
  5. Seek to relate to people and God as Jesus did. 
  6. Serve one another, following the example of Jesus .
  7. Identify nonbiblical foundations in the cultures around you and intercede for God's truth to uproot them.
  8. Study/ reflect on Scripture relevant to the concepts in this category.

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